PENW's individual members span a wide variety people at various points in their careers, however they all share the same desire: to support performance excellence learning in their organization and career. Regardless of where they are, all meet with PENW staff to develop an individual learning program that best meets their unique needs.
Margaret Dorchester, Snohomish, WA
Brice Montgomery, Lakewood, WA
Duane Fladland, Spokane, WA
Rob Humrickhouse, Chicago, IL
Paul Fisher, Ashland, OR
Lynda Johnson, Dallas, TX
Holly Tichenor, West Linn, OR
Vicki Griesinger, Ashland, OR
Maryruth Butler, Kellogg, ID
Pamela Schlauderaff, Shelton, WA
Amy Lucke, Fairbanks, AK
Terri Runyan, Fort Collins, CO
Lourdes Gonzalez, San Juan, PR
Deborah Ameen, Grants Pass, OR
Pat Lapekas, Big Sky, MT
Kris Hartung, Boise, ID
Linda Barnes, Seattle, WA
Gregory Taylor, MD, Redmond, WA
Joni DIxon, Bellingham, WA
John DIckson, Spokane, WA