April 23-25, 2025
McMenamin's Kennedy School, Portland, Oregon

Bridging Gaps Through
a Culture of Improvement
Three Days of Events Focusing on Building Culture
For 29 years, Performance Excellence Northwest has brought you the largest Pacific Northwest conference focused on improving your critical organizational systems to get better results.
This year's format is a three-day blended offering to provide learners with both Pre & Post Conference learning opportunities. While virtual options got us through the pandemic and they can be very effective, many of our customers want to (re)establish personal connections with other like-minded professionals in our community and have more of a "hands-on" experience. Our goal is to provide you with opportunities that meet your individual learning needs (presentations, discussions, and networking with like-minded professionals). So, block out some time to join us, learn from others, and share your knowledge within the PENW learning community.
Wed., Apr. 23rd: Pre Conference Opportunities
Organization Track: Building the Culture of Improvement
Edwin Boon, The Lean Six Sigma Company & Panelists-
Lean Lego Lab Activity, 8:30-11:30am
Implementing Lean: Lessons Learned and Panel Discussion, 1:30-3:30pm
This session is ideal for leaders who are interested in implementing a continuous improvement culture in their organization.
Community Track: Building Capacity for Community Improvement
Stephanie Norling, Communities of Excellence 2026-
Social Impact Accelerator, 8:30-11:30am, Stephanie Norling
Building CollaborACTION Teams, 1:30-4:30pm, Stephanie Norling
This session is ideal for leaders who are working with stakeholders who have diverse needs and the outcome is larger than any one of them can accomplish on their own.
Thurs., Apr. 24th: PENW Annual Learning Symposium, 8am-5pm
National Keynote: Hardwiring Improvement in Daily Operations: The Chickasaw Nation Quality Management Journey
John Krueger MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer/Chief Quality Officer, Chickasaw Nation Department of Health
National Keynote: Collaborating to Improve Complex Challenges
in Your Community
Stephanie Norling, President/CEO, Communities of Excellence 2026
Regional Best Practices & Panel Discussions
Networking with other Performance Excellence Leaders & more!!!
Fri., Apr. 25th: Sharing Site Visit, Clean Water Services, 9am-3pm
Mission in Action - Seeing it in action is a great way to learn about Performance Excellence. Join us for an inside look and regional learning journey sharing session to explore Clean Water Services activities. Attendees will learn how CWS deploys strategy, builds relationships with stakeholders, and delivers on their mission at high levels. If you want to learn from an organization who is currently implementing and learning from performance excellence, this is a CAN'T MISS opportunity.

Meet the 2025 Symposium
Keynote Speakers & Other Presenters
PENW is honored to have nationally and regionally recognized keynote speakers and presenters to share their knowledge and learning about using performance excellence principles to drive positive changes in their organization and communities at-large.
Pre & Post Conference Activities
April 23rd (Wed) & April 25th (Fri)
- Wed, Apr 23McMenamins Kennedy School, Portland, OR
- Wed, Apr 23McMenamins Kennedy School, Portland, OR
- Fri, Apr 25Clean Water Services, Rock Creek Conf Rm
- Wed, Apr 23McMenamins Kennedy School, Portland, OR
Hotel Accommodations @ McMenamins Kennedy School
Portland, Oregon
Please note that hotel room rates are subject to change without notice, usually guests that book sooner may get a better rates as it is based on hotel availability.
NOTE: the last day to reserve a room in the PENW block is March 23, 2025.
5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Portland OR 97211
Phone Reservations
503-249-3983, ask for PENW Group/Room Block
Online Reservations
Select the date(s), Wed 4/23/25 and/or Thurs 4/24/25.
Group/Block Code: 2504PERFOR

Sponsorship Benefits
Provide cost effective promotion and marketing for your company
Promote a culture of excellence
Provide cost-effective education and training for large and small businesses
Boost your profile among organizations pursuing excellence
For more information write askus@performanceexcellencenw.org or call 503-964-5244